boomkats superman pole dance move

7 reasons why you don’t achieve Superman pole dance move [tutorial]

Superman. What is the most typical reaction when trying it for the first time?

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.

Yeah, we’ve all been there.

So why Superman?

Superman pole dance move is a move that you either hate it or love it. For many Superman move is a stopping point. And some are not getting enough of it.

The Superman move is an essential pole move – a foundation move if you want. And one of the most popular ones. Why? Because ways of going in and out of the Superman are so many and let you do beautiful transitions. That’s why is worth to stay tuned and not to despair.

The Superman is an intermediate move that doesn’t require much strength or flexibility. But it does take time to learn because it’s a relatively painful figure and you need to get used to the burning pain. But I can assure you that the pain does go away and the inner thigh bruising stops. So this post is for all you who are still fighting with Superman.

2 Superman Issues

The thighs grip

The first issue is, of course, the thighs grip. If you have very dry skin your grip won’t be so secure. But that can be easily solved. Just spray your thighs with a bit of body grip (I swear on Hydro Attack) and there you have it. You’ll stick to the pole. Once you have a good grip, you’ll probably feel the burning pain. It shouldn’t really come as a surprise that gripping the pole between your thighs and squeezing as hard as you can will be on the ouchie side. And there’s the issue. But you can’t solve it in any other way except practicing this move every day (or as often as you can) so that the skin and the whole body get used to the burn.

The scary feeling

So besides being painful at first, Superman has no useful emergency exit once you’re doing it up in the air. Sure, there are many beautiful exits form Superman – but not until you conquer it. When not doing it correctly you can land on your face or you can damage your shoulder girdle. That’s why many pole dancers are afraid of it / or even hate it. But don’t fall for that myth. As always there’s a cure – even more! An easy solution. Read on.

boomkats superman pole dance move

The easiest way to nail Superman

Both issues from the discussion above you can solve only with one trick. Nail the damn Superman from the floor. That’s it. It’s the safest way and you can do that!

When I first started to learn the Superman, I learned up in the air. And for sure wasn’t a nice feeling. But when you start learning from the floor everything is so manageable!

That’s why I love this Video Tutorial from Polestructions – you can gradually try and adopt the move.  First from the floor and then slowly up in the air.

As our bodies are very different and as we have different perceptions and abilities to learn, I find the tutorial from Kristy Sellars (see below) very interesting and it might give you help and an additional ”aha” moment (when trying to nail the move up in the air).

7 Biggest mistakes you can do

There are some tricks and tips that can accelerate your progress with this move if you avoid these 7 biggest mistakes:

1. Learning up in the air

The biggest problem can be if you start learning Superman up in the air. And not from the floor as we discussed. Best way to learn (at least for me) was from Jasmine. Keep this move low to the ground at first. Each time you successfully do it, try it a little higher on the pole.

2. No 3 points grip

Make sure you have a good grip behind the back of the knee before trying this move (use Hydro Attack grip if you have dry skin). And: at any given moment in the Superman entrance make sure you have a solid grip in at least 3 points before you can release the next hand/leg.

3. Not engaging the bottom leg

Make sure you bring your bottom leg forward to the pole (don’t leave it behind) and press it really well into the pole. Don’t forget about the other two points grip: the hooked leg and the bottom hand.

4. Not enough room for a twist

When trying to rotate into the Superman, bring the upper knee to the chest and not the other way around! That way you’ll create a room for your sexy behind to go around the pole.

5. Not feeling secure enough

Have your shoulders higher than your hips – otherwise you will not feel secure. Your body should be in slightly upward directions (imagine like flying up, not down). Cross your ankles over once you have turned your hips to help stay locked in. In addition to that – again – practice from the floor!

6. Not accepting the pain

Don’t let the pain win! When you press the pole with your legs, tighten the leg muscles, press the pole hard and it will hurt you less. Do the native Indian dance later 🙂

7. Giving up too soon

This advice could really come handy: DON’T PUT A PRESSURE ON YOURSELF! Try to understand everything that is written and shown in this little tutorial. Try to do it a couple of times without any intention of crushing it (like this the pressure on yourself is off).

And plan your reward. How you’re going to treat yourself after you’ll nail the Superman move? With a box of chocolate? A new pole wear maybe? Whatever is on your bucket list!

Practice the move every time you have a pole near. Just for a minute or two. Just one or two attempts. Just for the fun of it. And then, one day – Boom! – there you have it. Superman and reward are yours!

So go now and make this Superman pole move yours. You can totally do this!

boomkats superman pole dance move

Tell me: did you manage to nail it?

Once you nailed it, just keep practicing it every week / or day until you feel no burning pain.

The more you’ll incorporate the Superman into your pole routine, the more variations, transitions and combinations you’ll find. And you’re going to love it. I promise!

Try different entries

Once you become a Superwoman (the woman who nailed the Superman 🙂 ) you’ll want to get more creative. There are a lot of entries into the Superman pole dance move, but the ones we prepared with Leslie Lili are suitable for slightly advanced students to professionals. I know this sounds intimidating, but with the help of this little Step-by-Step Tutorial aka Cheat Sheet we prepared you’ll learn a lot and much sooner then you could imagine.

So grab the [FREE] Cheat Sheet below and start practicing before the pole challenge. Even if you’re in the early stage of Superwoman, join us in this #pdsuperman_challenge. It will be fun and you can still win – with a bit of luck and the points you’ll receive when spreading the word with this PDF Tutorial.

10+5 entries into Superman

So tell me: in which attempt you nailed the Superman? And which entry you liked the most? 

I’m really looking forward to seeing your progress/feedback, so leave a comment below!

Become a Superwoman with some serious GRL PWR S***

Pole girls and fashion: a match made in heaven! That’s why we’re giving you 3 options to choose from. Whether you like high waisted or low waisted shorts. Or just simple Superman top that goes with… well… almost everything 🙂 Oh, yes! And it’s your favorite Cupid model – a reversible one, so you practically get 2 tops for the price of one.


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Reversible Top
+ GRL PWR gift box


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Reversible Top
+ High waisted Shiny Red Martini Shorts
+ GRL PWR gift box


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Reversible Top
+ Low waisted Jade Jeans Shorts
+ Red Pole dance Skirt
+ GRL PWR gift box



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